Gaming platforms as a tool for team building companies

Gaming platforms as a tool for team building companies

Team activities such as Treasure Hunt are popular tools for team building companies. These games involve exploring the environment, solving tasks, and cooperating among participants, helping to strengthen team spirit. In this article, we will look at various aspects of these games and their use in team building.

What is Treasure Hunt

Treasure Hunt, or Scavenger Hunt, is a type of game based on searching for hidden treasures, objects, or information. Participants are divided into teams that collaborate in finding and exploring clues and solving tasks.

The goal is usually to obtain a certain number of points or reach a specific destination. This type of game is very suitable for team-building events as it supports collaboration, communication, and problem-solving.

At the same time, it contains competitive elements, so players are driven by internal competitive motivation.

Content-related games vs. universal games

Gaming platforms offer a wide range of options for designing games for team building.

Each gaming platform has slightly different means, types of treasures, forms of sorting, or displaying questions and answers.

Games can differ significantly in content. We can encounter games that are content-related to a specific location and use its history or culture, or universal games suitable for any environment.

Both options have their advantages, and it depends on preferences, which one is chosen.

Limitation by the number of participants

One of the advantages of Treasure Hunt programs is the absence of limitation by the number of participants.

If the players' mobile devices are used to implement the activity, the only limitation may be the performance of the gaming server.

However, it usually far exceeds the performance consumed by the number of players logged into the game.

Virtual game in case of bad weather

If the weather is unsuitable for outdoor games, an alternative can be a virtual game with a storyline.

These games take place in an online environment and offer challenges similar to a classic Treasure Hunt, allowing participants to develop the skills needed for team cooperation even in adverse weather conditions.

Modern 3-hour program

he most suitable duration for a Treasure Hunt type activity is approximately 3 hours, which is an ideal time for an effective team-building program.

This duration allows participants to explore various locations, solve tasks, and cooperate without feeling overwhelmed or exhausted. At the same time, it provides enough time to improve communication and team spirit among colleagues.

Breaking the language barrier

Treasure Hunt games can also contribute to breaking the language barrier between participants from different countries.

Thanks to mixed teams and the need to communicate in a foreign language, participants learn to better understand and cooperate with colleagues who speak another language.

Gaming platform for modern team building

Gaming platforms enabling the implementation of Treasure Hunt type programs prove to be an effective tool for team building companies.

They offer a wide range of options for games that support cooperation, communication, and problem-solving. These games are flexible in the number of participants and can be adapted to both outdoor and virtual environments.

They thus significantly expand the portfolio of team activities for team building firms and increase their competitiveness.