Event - Launching an Event

An Event is defined as a Game launched with predetermined parameters, such as time, type of game, environment, and privacy level. To initiate an Event, use the "Create Event" button, which is located in the list of available games.

Steps to launch an Event:

Select "Our Games" from the menu, where a list of games belonging to your Organization will be displayed. Alternatively, by selecting "My Games", only the games you have personally created or that have been assigned to you will be shown.

In the "ACTION" section of the chosen game, click on the "Create Event" button, which will take you to the page for establishing a new Event.

On the Event creation page, you have the opportunity to review the game name and language version and set detailed parameters for the Event.

Event parameters include:

  • Event Name: We recommend a combination of the game's name and the client's name for easy identification in the system. This name is also displayed in the mobile app.

  • Note: Optional field, not required to be filled.

  • Start: The date and time from which the Event can be launched in the app.

  • End: The date and time the Event ends.

  • Type of Event: Choice between Organized and Individual events. For corporate events, the Organized option is recommended.

  • Environment: Option to choose between Virtual and Outdoor environments.

After setting all parameters, confirm the creation of the Event with the "Create Event" button.

The Event is now created, and the system automatically redirects you to the Event details page.