Organization - Invitation and Entry into the Organization

In this chapter, we will explain how a Player becomes a member of an organization.
  1. To log in to the administration, go to You can sign in with a Google account, use Apple ID, or register with an email (confirmation required).
  2. Accept an invitation to the Organization. If you are invited by our administrator, you will automatically be assigned the role of Owner. You can edit your Organization, invite users, and assign them permissions. The invitation will appear on the dashboard of the Homepage.
  3. Switch to the organization context. Hover over the user icon (top right) and the Organizations you can switch to will be displayed. You can also leave the Organization from the same place (by clicking the EXIT button).
  4. The menu for organization members contains items that correspond to the specific role assigned.
  5. Our organization is an information page where the most important information about the Organization, contact details of the Owner, and main contacts (e.g., users with Manager permissions) are displayed.
  6. Our members is an information page that displays all members of the organization.
  7. Invite user is a function that allows the Owner to invite TerraHunt gaming platform users to their Organization. The Owner enters the user's email (which must already be registered in the system), selects a user role, and clicks on the Invite User button. The specific player will then see the invitation on the dashboard of the Homepage.